Under the Sea Series





Ink & Watercolor Paintings

Ink & Watercolor Paintings


Mixed Media Collages are made using acrylic, found papers, beads and jewelry bits, and salt. I like to create my own collage materials by incorporating reproductions of my drawings or unfinished watercolor paintings.


I have always been interested in the ocean, but this series really kicked off this whole body of work. I originally completed these drawings as part of a daily drawing challenge called Inktober. These are all hand drawn in my sketchbooks. Eventually, I gathered my favorites together and published them as a coloring book! You can purchase one here! A portion of the proceeds from the coloring book are donated to the Coral Reef Alliance


Watercolor and ink paintings on paper. I make these by dropping ink and liquid watercolor onto wet paper. I throw on a healthy pinch on salt and wait for it to dry. It’s fascinating to see what kinds of structures and patterns develop. Then I take my fine point pens and draw out the coral, taking my cues from the way the ink has dried.